Webinar Evaluatie in tijden van COVID-19: inzichten vanuit de praktijk presentaties online! Donderdag 21 januari 2021, 12.30-14.00 uur, online < Inhoud > Covid-19 heeft de manier waarop we evalueren, zowel hier in België als in het buitenland, grondig gewijzigd. In dit online seminarie delen twee experts van internationale multilaterale organisaties (Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie en Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie) hun ervaringen met veranderend evaluatiebeleid, methodes en instrumenten. We reflecteren over hoe deze veranderingen de evaluatiepraktijk mogelijk kan wijzigen op langere termijn. Dit online seminarie wordt georganiseerd door VEP, in samenwerking met HIVA-KU Leuven en IOB (UA). De voertaal van het seminarie is Engels. Programma
Speakers Guy Thijs has over 30 years of experience in the field of international development across all continents (16 years of which stationed in the field). Major areas of development expertise include evaluation, monitoring and results-based management; project design and implementation; organizational design and workflow analysis. Thematic development expertise includes child labour, forced labour, trafficking and migration. In 2011, he assumed the post of Director of the Evaluation Office at the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva. In this post, he directs a team of professionals in conducting selected high-level strategy evaluations of the Organization and providing oversight of decentralized project evaluations conducted in the regions. Independence, quality and credibility are at the core of its work. Prior to that, he was Deputy Regional Director for ILO in Asia and the Pacific based in Bangkok (2007 – 2010) and served in various positions including Director of ILO's International Programme on the elimination of child labour, IPEC (1992 - 2006). He started his career with the ILO as Associate Programme Officer in Jakarta (1988-1991). As a graduate from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Political Science, he served there for a few years as research assistant. Sonya Ochaney has over 5 years of experience in the development and humanitarian sector. She completed her Master of Science in Development Evaluation and Management in 2019, from the Institute of Development Policy at Antwerp. Currently, she is employed with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in their Turkey Mission that provides humanitarian assistance to Internally Displaced People emerging from the Syria civil war. Her role within the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) unit is primarily focused on remote monitoring of the various projects that focus on provision of multi-sectoral assistance. She is also responsible for the Accountability to Affected Populations hotline, a complaints mechanism that is managed within the MEAL unit. Prior to this she completed a Master’s in Development from India, where she then worked with non-profit organizations focusing on health, education and livelihood to alleviate urban poverty. Prof. dr. Huib Huyse is head of the research group sustainable development at the Research Institute for Work and Society (HIVA-KU Leuven). A substantial part of his research and evaluation work is policy- or practice-oriented and covers topics related to development cooperation and global development. This includes the coordination of complex, multi-country evaluations in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Thematically, he specializes amongst others in research on decent work, supply chains, civil society and development, and monitoring & evaluation. Before joining the university, he worked for ten years as a development practitioner in the education sector, including for six years in Zimbabwe. He taught a module on qualitative monitoring and evaluation at the University of Antwerp between 2011-2017 Prof. dr. Nathalie Holvoet is a full-time professor at the Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp. Her fields of expertise include monitoring and evaluation and gender and development. N. Holvoet teaches M&E and gender topics in IOB’s master programmes, particularly in the Advanced Master of Development Evaluation and Management. In collaboration with the Special Evaluation Office (Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation) and dr. Sara Dewachter (IOB) she also organized various editions of a short term training course on Evaluation Systems and National Evaluation Societies. Specific research and outreach topics include evaluability, evaluation influence, community based monitoring, (sustainability) impact of cash transfers, intrahousehold allocation, …Over the past 25 years, she has been involved in various evaluations and policy-advisory work, amongst others for SEO, UN Women, ILO/ITC, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Europeaid and in projects of university development cooperation in Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia. Dit webinar gaat door op donderdag 21 januari 2021, vanaf 12u30 tot 14u00. Deelname is gratis maar vooraf inschrijvingen is noodzakelijk. Inschrijven afgesloten 18/01. Na registratie ontvangt u enkele dagen voor het webinar een link naar het webinar om deel te nemen.
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Copyright © VVBB| Reacties op de inhoud: Bart De Peuter & Anneke Heylen Realisatie: VVBB| Laatste wijziging: 06-05-2018 URL: http://www.evaluatieplatform.be - Secretariaat VVBB: p.a. Instituut voor de Overheid - Parkstraat 45 bus 3609 - 3000 Leuven |